Photo Galleries
A collection of birds, events and more
Birds Shared By Members
Anna's hummingbird, by Robert Stewart
Barn owl, by Mickey Dyke in Rosamond on October 26
Lesser goldfinch, by Mickey Dyke, in Rosamond
My first white crowned sparrow of the season, Mark Hodson, Bakersfield, October 3
Ruddy Duck, Oso Flaco Lake, by Mark Hodson on October 7
Great blue herson, Oso Flaco Lake, by Mark Hodson on October 7
Cinnamon teal, Oso Flaco Lake, by Mark Hodson on October 7
Lincoln's sparrow, Bakersfield, by Mark Hodson on October 3
Snowy plover, Guadalupe Dunes, by Mark Hodson on October 7
California gulls and Heerman's gulls, Guadalupe Dunes, by Mark Hodson on October 7
Long-eared owl at Butterbredt Springs, by Teresa Coell
White breasted nuthatch, Bakersfield, by Wendy and Bob Hodash
American Dipper, Truckee, by Wendy and Bob Hodash
Sandhill cranes, by Wendy and Bob Hodash
Muscovy duck, by Wendy and Bob Hodash
Green heron, by Wendy and Bob Hodash
Wild turkey at Avila Beach, by Wendy and Bob Hodash
White pelicans at Oso Flaco Lake, by Harry Love
Turkey vulture at Morro Bay State Park, by Harry Love
Northern mockingbird by Robert Stewart
Burrowing owl by Robert Stewart
American avocet by Robert Stewart
Lincoln's sparrow, by Robert Stewart
Hooded oriole, about July 30, in La Quinta, CA, by Tony Swan
Black-crowned night-heron, July 17, Morro Bay, by Harry Love
Allen's hummingbird, July 3, Moonstone Beach, Cambria, by Kevin Roland
Anna's hummingbird, July 3, Moonstone Beach, Cambria, by Kevin Roland
Allen's hummingbird, July 3, Moonstone Beach, Cambria, by Kevin Roland
Calliope hummingbird, July 3, Moonstone Beach, Cambria, by Kevin Roland
Allen's hummingbird, July 3, Moonstone Beach, Cambria, by Kevin Roland
Allen's hummingbird, July 3, Moonstone Beach, Cambria, by Kevin Roland
Anna's hummingbird, July 3, Moonstone Beach, Cambria, by Kevin Roland
Great horned owl, July 13, Woody-Granite area, by Clyde Golden
Great horned owl, July 13, Woody-Granite area, by Clyde Golden
Hooded oriole, July 7, Bakersfield, Michael Lahorgue
California quail family, June 27, Woody-Granite area, by Clyde Golden
Burrowing owl, June 26, by Georgette Theotig
Burrowing owl, June 26, by Georgette Theotig
Short-billed dowitcher, Kern National Wildlife Refuge, about June 23, by Ken and Brenda Kyle
Short-billed dowitcher, Kern National Wildlife Refuge, about June 23, by Ken and Brenda Kyle
Short-billed dowitcher, Kern National Wildlife Refuge, about June 23, by Ken and Brenda Kyle
California condors, juvenile and adult, near Woody-Granite, June 25, by Clyde Golden and Lucy Clark
California condors, juvenile and adult, near Woody-Granite, June 25, by Clyde Golden and Lucy Clark
Western kingbird feeding nestling, June 15, Hart Park, by Mark Hodson
White Pelicans, Kern National Wildlife Refuge, June 18, by Wendy Hodash
White faced ibis, Kern National Wildlife Refuge, June 18, by Wendy Hodash
Tree swallows, Kern National Wildlife Refuge, June 18, by Wendy Hodash
Redhead pair and American Coot, Kern National Wildlife Refuge, June 18, by Wendy Hodash
Northern shoveler, Kern National Wildlife Refuge, June 18, by Wendy Hodash
California scrub jay, NW Bakersfield, May 23, by Mark Hodson
California quail, Bakersfield, June 11, byClyde Golden
California quail, Bakersfield, June 11, byClyde Golden
Rose-ringed parakeet, June 8, Bakersfield(?), by Mickey Dyke
Great horned owl juveniles, Rosamond, June 2, by Mickey Dyke
Great horned owl, male, May 21 in Rosamond by Mickey Dyke
Great horned owl, juvenile #4, May 21 in Rosamond by Mickey Dyke
Great horned owl, female, May 21 in Rosamond by Mickey Dyke
Grerat horned owl impersonating a barn owl ;^) on May 21, in Rosamond, by Mickey Dyke
Great horned owl, juveniles #1-3, May 21 in Rosamond by Mickey Dyke
Western Tanager at Butterbredt Spring on April 19, by Mickey Dyke
Pacific-slope flycatcher at Butterbredt Spring on April 19, by Mickey Dyke
Lazuli bunting at Butterbredt Spring on April 19, by Mickey Dyke
Great horned owl at Butterbredt Spring on April 19, by Mickey Dyke
White-crowned sparrow, April 20 in Rosamond, by Mickey Dyke
Pacific-slope flycatcher, April 17 in Rosamond, by Mickey Dyke
Orange-crowned warbler, April 19 in Rosamond, by Mickey Dyke
Nashville warbler, April 20 in Rosamond, by Mickey Dyke
Lawrence's goldfinch, April 19 in Rosamond, by Mickey Dyke
Ash-throated flycatcher, April 19 in Rosamond, by Mickey Dyke
Anna's hummingbird, April 19 in Rosamond, by Mickey Dyke
Lesser goldfinch in his backyard, by Harry Love
Gentoo penguins by Eva Nipp
Yellow-headed blackbird, Kern National Wildlife Refuge, April 3, by Roger Coley
Wood ducks at Panama Vista Preserve, May 5, by Andy Hoenig
white-crowned sparrow in NW Bakersfield on April 8, by Mark Hodson
white pelican, Kern National Wildlife Refuge, on January 4, by Roger Coley
Albino California quail and mate in Sand Canyon on April 5, by Cynthia Waldman
Black-chinned hummingbird, April 21 in Rosamond, by Mickey Dyke
Black-throated gray warbler, April 20in Rosamond, by Mickey Dyke
Pacific-slope flycatcher, April 17 in Rosamond, by Mickey Dyke
Western sandpipers, Kern National Wildlife Refuge, April 3, by Roger Coley
Bald eagle at Shell Park on April 20, by Virginia Gifford
Ruddy duck at Kern National Wildlife Refuge, April 3, by Roger Coley
American Robin, by unidentified birder
American Robin's nest, by unknown birder
Red-tailed Hawk fledglings
Northern pintail, black-necked stilt, and LBBs, Kern National Wildlife Refuge, April 3, by Roger Coley
Loggerhead shrike, Bakersfield, April 12 by Roger Coley
Larak sparrow, January 4, by Roger Coley
Great horned owl nest at Gold Hills on May 1, by Steve Shaw
Black-headed grosbeak in NW Bakersfield around April 16, by Roger Coley
Grerat egret at Riverwalk Park on May 2, by Martha Redstone
Grerat egret at Riverwalk Park on May 2, by Martha Redstone
Eared grebes at Lake Ming on April 19, by Harry Love
Lincoln's sparrow in NW Bakersfield on March 16, by Mark Hodson
Black-necked stilt at Kern National Wildlife Refuge on April 3, by Roger Coley
Double crested cormorant, Hart Park, week of April 20, by Carol Lair
Double crested cormorant, Hart Park, week of April 20, by Carol Lair
Great blue heron, Hart Park, week of April 20, by Carol Lair
Glossy ibis, Kern National Wildlife Refuge, by Karen Evans
Wood duck, Hart Park, week of April 20, by Karen Evans
Belted kingfisher, Hart Park, week of April 20, by Carol Lair
Great blue herson, Hart Park, week of April 20, by Carol Lair
Great blue heron and friend, Hart Park, week of April 20, by Carol Lair
Great blue heron, Hart Park, week of April 20, by Carol Lair
Kildeer, Kern National Wildlife Refuge, by Karen Evans
White-faced ibis, Kern National Wildlife Refuge, by Karen Evans
Marsh wren, Kern National Wildlife Refuge, by Karen Evans
Yellow-headed blackbird, Kern National Wildlife Refuge, by Karen Evans
Great egret, Mojave Courthouse, week of April 20, by Mona Sidhu
Great egret at Mojave Courthouse, week of April 20, by Mona Sidhu
Western bluebird, Pine Mountain Club, by Mary McDevitt
Hummingbird, Pine Mountain Club, by Mary McDevitt
Peacock, Hart Park, April 21, by Wendy Hodash
Hart Park, April 21, by Wendy Hodash
Great Blue Heron, Hart Park, April 21, by Wendy Hodash
Peacock, Hart Park, April 21, by Wendy Hodash
Cedar waxwings, Northwest Bakersfield, April 13, by Rob Worgul
Finch, Southwest Bakersfield, April 19, by Wendy Hodash
American Goldfinch, Southwest Bakersfield, April 19, by Wendy Hodash
American Goldfinch, Southwest Bakersfield, April 19, by Wendy Hodash
Cedar waxwing, Northwest Bakersfield, April 13, by Rob Worgul
Western Meadowlark, Hudson Ranch Road, by Mary McDevitt
Black-headed grosbeak and finch (house?), Southwest Bakersfield, April 14, by Wendy Hodash
Red-breasted sapsucker, Southwest Bakersfield, April 14, by Wendy Hodash
Black-headed grosbeak and finches, April 19, by Andy Hoenig
Hummingbird, Weldon, by Alison Sheehey
Anna's hummingbird, Weldon, April 18, by Alison Sheehey
Anna's hummingbird, Weldon, April 18, by Alison Sheehey
Cassin's vireo, Ridgecrest, April 19, by Bob Barnes