
Kern Audubon Society News

Chapter, National and Birding News

Field Sparrow

Bird of The Week: Field Sparrow

The Field Sparrow’s trilling song is a common summer sound, and this pretty little bird is often heard before it is seen. Patient observers can track the song to its source: a small, pink-billed sparrow with a bold white eye ring, often skulking in a thick shrub or small tree.

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Green Kingfisher

Bird of The Week: Green Kingfisher

Smaller and less conspicuous than its noisy relative, the Belted Kingfisher, the Green Kingfisher is a quick-flying sprite of small streams, channels and ponds. At about 8 1/2” long, the Green Kingfisher is roughly the same length as a Northern Cardinal but lighter.

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Bird of The Week: Green Parakeet

Bird of The Week: Green Parakeet

The Green Parakeet, also known as Green Conure or Mexican Green Conure, is a long, slim parrot, just a bit smaller than an American Crow. This aptly-named species is mainly green, shading to a paler yellowish-green on its underparts.

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