April 23 Outing To Golden Hills Nature Park

April 23 Outing To Golden Hills Nature Park

Birds Observed At The Nature Area

  • Gadwall
  • American wigeon
  • Mallard
  • Ruddy duck
  • California quail
  • Pied-billed grebe
  • Band-tailed pigeon
  • Anna’s hummingbird 
  • Costa’s hummingbird
  • Spotted towhee
  • Least sandpiper
  • Green heron
  • Black-crowned
  • Night-heron
  • Turkey vulture
  • Cooper’s hawk
  • Red-shouldered hawk
  • Red-tailed hawk
  • Belted kingfisher
  • Acorn woodpecker
  • Northern flicker
  • Pacific-slope flycatcher
  • Ash-throated flycatcher     
  • Warbling vireo
  • Bewick’s wren
  • Tricolored blackbird
  • Common yellowthroat
  • Western tanager
  • and MORE!