Photo Galleries
A collection of birds, events and more
Birds Shared By Members
Vermilion Flycatcher by LisaHolguin at Kern National Wildlife Refuge 2021-02
Black-necked Stilt by Roger Coley at Bakersfield Sewer Ponds 04-10
Ring-necked duck at Pin Oak Park by JohnEigenauer2021-3-4
Hooded Merganser at Pin Oak Park by John Eigenauer2021-3-4
Dowitcher by Roger Coley at Bakersfield Sewer Ponds 04-10
American Dipper by Teresa Connell in Keysville 04--11
California Gull and Long-billed CurlewCurlew_LisaHolguin_TonTache_202102 by Lisa Holguin at Ton Tache2021-02
Belted Kingfisher by Lisa Holguin at Hart Park2021-02
American Avocet by Roger Coley at Bakersfield Sewer Ponds 04-10
American robin at Hart Park, 1/11/2021 by Ethel and Ben Bibay
Acorn woodpecker at Hart Park, 1/11/2021 by Ethel and Ben Bibay
Acorn woodpecker at Hart Park, 1/11/2021 by Ethel and Ben Bibay
Black-crowned night heron at Hart Park, 01/11,2021 by Ethel and Ben Bibay
Rose-ringed parakeet, Hart Park, 1/11/2021 by Ethel and Ben Bibay
Cedar waxwings at Hart Park, 1/11/2021 by Ethel and Ben Bibay
Say's Phoebe at Guadalupe Dunes 12/3/2020 by John Eigenauer
Western Sandpiper at Guadalupe Dunes, 12/13/2020 by John Eigenauer
Red-tailed hawk at Kern Wildlife Refuge, December, 2020 by John Einenger
Northern harrier at Kern Wildlife Refuge, December, 2020 by Jonh Einenger
Hooded merganser at Lake Ming, December, 2020 by Harry Love
Hooded merganser at Lake Ming, December, 2020 by Harry Love
Greater roadrunner at Kern Wildlife Refuge, December, 2020 by John Einenger
Western bluebird at Hart Park, December, 2020 by Harry Love
Western bluebird at Hart Park, December, 2020 by Harry Love
American avocet at Guadalupe Dunes, 12/13/2020 by John Eigenauer
American Kestrel at Hart Park, 1/11/2021 by Ethel and Ben Bibay
Redhead andd ring-necked duck, Bishop, 11/27 by Harry Love
Snow goose, Bishop, 11/27/20 bt Harry Love
Red-tailed hawk, Bishop, 11/27/20 by Harry Love
Sandhill cranes at Merced National Wildlife Reserve, 11/21/20 by Karen Evans
Sandhill cranes at Woodbridge Ecological Preserve 11/21/20 by Karen Evans
Sandhill cranes, Woodbridge Ecological Reserve, 11/21/20 by Karen Evans
Snow geese et al., Merced National Wildlife Refuge, 11/21/20 by Karen Evans
Snow geese, Merced National Wildlife Refuge, 11/21/20 by Karen Evans
Snow geese, Merced National Wildlife Refuge, 11/21/20 by Karen Evans
Pied-billed grebe, Merced National Wildlife Refuge, 11/21/20 by Karen Evans
Sandhill cranes, black-necked stilts, and ducks, Merced National Wildlife Refuge, 11/21/20 by Karen Evans
Sandhill cranes, Merced National Wildlife Refuge, 11/21/20 by Karen Evans
Sandhill cranes, Merced National Wildlife Refuge, 11/21/20 by Karen Evans
Cattle egrets and rock pigeons, Kern National Wildlife Refuge, 11/21/20 by Karen Evans
Black-throated gray warbler, Kern National Wildlife Refuge, 11/21/20 by Karen Evans
Red-necked phalaropes, Kern Water Treatment Plant, 11/21/20 by Karen Evans
Killdeer, Kern National Wildlife Refuge, 11/21/20 by Karen Evans
Hooded merganser, 11/19/20 by Ron Worgul
Bobcat, 11/11/20 by Ron Worgul
Loggerhead shrike, 11/14/20 by Mike Iseman
Northern pintail, 11/14/20 by Linda McMillan
Domestic and mallard ducks, 11/10/20, Hart Park by Lisa Holguin
Red-tailed hawk and American crow, 11/11/20 by Ron Worgul
Green heron, Hart Park, 11/10/20 by Lisa Holguin
Snowy egret, Hart Park, 10/31/2020 by Lisa Holguin
Pacific wren (?), Hart Park, 9/19/20 by Lisa Holguin